How's it going?
Those of you who follow this blog every week may be wondering where the hell I've gotten over the past month as my usual "weeklies" have been summarized in an unusual "monthly"...
Well, I can assure you (and I'm sure you'll believe me) that I haven't stopped!
First, I've rushing headlong into creating original pieces in precious metals (brass, for now) and although I haven't achieved the desired results yet, I hope to master the technique early this year...
Let's be optimistic: the second try seems better than first :D |
If you add to this task, challenging and hoarder in itself, a project of sterling silver jewelry in a medium-large scale, the renovation of the exhibitors at my stand and the perpetual buzz of my imagination giving a push to the indiscriminate inventive...
In short, don't worry if you don't hear from me in a few days, I can't keep up! >__<
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