Cyber-recycling II

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

How's it going?

I keep on recycling, I keep on designing; my imagination flies high, I lack hands to disassemble electro-junk and assemble cyber-ooaks!

For this new release of cyber-recycled pieces I created a practical pocket mirror from a broken hard disk, a printed circuit and a pair of meters of copper wire:

CYCLE 2.0 // JrG15-05 pocket mirror -UNAVAILABLE-


Wednesday, 25 November 2015

How's it going?

I like to recycle.
I mentioned it the day I inaugurated this blog and I'm still thinking the same!

Until now and always I was able, I've recycled broken or discarded costume jewelry pieces, leather scraps and many other "useless" materials, transforming them into new and original ooakcrafts like my "Hardware" necklace, the "Goddess" belt or this "Noche" set.

This time I've taken another step and I've set myself to reuse circuits, optical readers, led lights, chips and all kinds of electronic waste in order to create the industrial style cyber-recycled costume jewelry collection...

// CYCLE 2.0 //

'Ooaktumnal' bookmarks

Saturday, 24 October 2015

How's it going?

A couple of years ago, although it seems to me an eternity, I created my first satin ribbon bookmarks: simple colored ribbons topped off by metal charms in the shape of a key, a tree, a skull...

But you know what I really love is to make unique designs... as this seven ooaktumnal bookmarks!

Ooaktumnal bookmarks -SOLD-

The evening light

Thursday, 10 September 2015

How's it going?

Inspiration can assault us anywhere, anytime and at any season of the year; there's no valid schedule, it has no appointment, no assigned moment...

And I love it.

I love, above all, how it floods me with its stream in late summer, early fall, late in the afternoon... like a pair of days ago, when I created the "Rule of Dahlia" choker and the "O(o)ak fruits" earrings:

"Rule of Dahlia" choker -SOLD-

Boots harness for Ziad

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

How's it going?

I'm still making custom orders, but what I say... they're more like challenges!
If not, tell me why the hell I'm making boots harnesses...

Custom boot harness for Ziad

Another round of custom orders

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

How's it going?

There are two kind of pieces in Ooak Craft: those entirely created as I please, and custom orders.

Custom orders are ideas arisen from your minds that pass through my hands and become in unique pieces that only exist thanks to the both sides: you plant the seed and I try to grow it up my best :)

I've had a lot of orders through the years... First was from a workmate; later I did custom orders for friends, relatives, fellow artisans, even for Victoria Francés!

But there's still lots of custom pieces that I haven't showed you yet...

"Tarot card" earrings for Frederique Philie

Just dies who pass into oblivion

Thursday, 6 August 2015

How's it going?

Yesterday I set aside the pending orders for a few hours, I immersed in myself and I got carried away by the "art of impulse": to create what springs, what emerges, without planning anything.

This time, the "Remember" necklace, a simple but powerful piece that needs no explanation.

Enjoy introspection.

"Remember" necklace -SOLD-

The "Luna" circlet

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

How's it going?

Today I realized I still haven't talked you about one of my most requested creations to date, the "Luna" circlet:

"Luna" circlet -SOLD-

Since the beginning, my will was to create ooakcrafts, unrepeatable and unique pieces with its own personality. However, after a few months I understood this was something partially impossible...

The Triple Goddess who dwells within me

Thursday, 25 June 2015

How's it going?

Yesterday I showed you the preview from a very special new piece: the recycled leather belt "Goddess".

Recycled leather belt "Goddess" -SOLD-


Friday, 19 June 2015

How's it going?

I like very much to speak to you about ecology, history and mythology, but I don't write a post since a million years ago, at least... And I can't remember since when I don't write one with more than two paragraphs!

As always is a lack of time, not a lack of motivation.
Although I hope to come back next week starting with writing a suitable post... Only one more week of lethargy, ok? ^^

Today I'm going to be brief (as usual): earrings!

"To the end" earrings -SOLD-

Steamed heads

Thursday, 14 May 2015

How's it going?

As you know, one of my specialties is stumbling around in styles, techniques and materials; do not cling to anything, try everything.

So, as I do not usually do any headpieces, and as I do not usually use feathers, it was only a matter of time before this pheasant feathers headpiece was created:

"Fly, my gear" headpiece -SOLD-

Chains, gears, a key and a filigree base in bronze tone;
felted back with a metal alligator clip.

What do you think? ^^

Brief but intense

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

How's it going?

Today I would like to avoid fly off on a tangent and make this a brief but intense post, like my new industrial style necklace "Hardwear":

"Hardwear" necklace -SOLD-
Tight necklace with chains, metal worms and bud-like spikes.
Made with 90% recycled materials ^^


Regrow fruits & vegetables

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

How's it going?

Today, in the Earth Day, I would like to propose you another kind of DIY tutorial that has nothing to do with jewelry, but with recycling!

The brave torc

Thursday, 26 March 2015

How's it going?

This week, as always, I spread my time pretty good: I  went into the blog ready to write a post, but then I came up with the idea of including an individual link in each post for redirecting from english version to spanish one and vice versa... And I worked on it, and now you can read this same post in spanish by clicking in the "Leer este post en español" you can see in the top right.

Then I noticed the mobile version wasn't configured... And I worked on it, and now you can read from your cell phone quickly and comfortably.

Today I remembered I was going to write a post two days ago, and I finally worked on it!

"Dewrder" Torc -SOLD-

The truth is I shouldn't write too much (I have a stand just around the corner and a bunch of pending custom orders), so... What do you think about my new torc, "Dewrder"? ^^

~ Nee shitteru...? ~ 
"Dewrder" means "courage" in Welsh.

Full dark, no stars

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

How's it going?

All artists are supposed to go through several stages along their lives... I don't know if I'm an artist, but I know the name of my current stage (because it's clear I'm going through a stage): "Full dark, no stars", like the Stephen King book.

It must be said, blame it on the onyx coloured patina for metal I bought about two months ago, that once you ink something you need to ink everything in sight...

"The shining city below the sea" Set -SOLD-

New creations, vol.18

Thursday, 26 February 2015

How's it going?

Some of you already know my old story: damn the job that "feeds me" because it doesn't leave me any free time to do what I like; I wish I would do what I like all the time so I wouldn't have to depend on my damn job because that would be enought to "feed me".

The only thing which encourages me is realizing whatever it happens I still have the willingness to do what I like; I still wake up with new ideas and projects in mind, I still feel able to sit down and create.

And to reinventing, too.

For instance, do you remember my "Código QR" necklaces?
Well, now you have it in magnet format for the fridge ;)

"QR" magnets -SOLD-

Tristan & Iseult

Friday, 6 February 2015

How's it going?

Although slowly, I'm underway again. And even I have no time for doing everything I want to do, I picked up the pace immediately (incoming idea, take note, search for pieces, try out, ooak!)

This time, another torc-shaped bracelet, "Petit-Crû":

"Petit-Crû" bracelet -SOLD-

Return of the ooak

Thursday, 29 January 2015

How's it going?

As every winter, I fell in a kind of creative lethargy...

But I wasn't really absent: during these months I've dedicated myself to tweak the design of the blog, I updated the already published tutorials, I took on some large orders and I've been turning over a couple of ideas I would start shortly.

I also had time to sit down and play around... by the moment a new ooak, I just wake up! ;)

"Thou hast no power against me," said Cuchulain.
"I have power indeed," said the woman;
"it is at the guarding of thy death that I am; and I shall be," said she.
~ 'Táin Bó Regamna', Ulster cycle ~

"The Morrigan" necklace -SOLD-


Monday, 12 January 2015

How's it going?

Although at first glance it may go unnoticed, I spent several days making changes to Ooak☥Craft's blog in order to starting this year with vigor and bring you a lot of innovative news!


From January, all those who follow Ooak☥Craft on Google+ will have access to exclusive contents not to be posted on the blog:

- The Ooakalendar extended version, with extra material (some trivia about the history of jewelry, curses, weird archaeological findings...),

- Quarterly draws, discount codes and gift certificates redeemables at my Etsy shop,

- "Do it yourself" projects with instructions, step by step photos and live workshops taught by hangouts (starting from July),

- And more surprises I'll gradually revealing ;)

NOTE(2015·07·01): From now it's not necessary to follow Ooak Craft on Google+ to access this content! Still, I would love you to follow me on Google+ if you don't follow me yet ;)

How do I follow Ooak Craft in Google+?

You don't need to open any new account: if you have a Gmail or Hotmail account, you're automatically a Google+ member.

To follow Ooak Craft's blog, you only have to click in the "Follow" button included in "Followers" section (on the right column of the blog) or in the button I leave below and add it to any of your circles :)

Guided tour

Want to know everything offered on Ooak☥Craft's blog?

Take a look at the "Guided Tour", a page that summarizes and briefly explains all sections of the blog.

For instance, do you know you can receive all blog updates directly into your email inbox?

Or that you can leave your impressions on "Comments" page instead on the posts themselves?