The evening light

Thursday, 10 September 2015

How's it going?

Inspiration can assault us anywhere, anytime and at any season of the year; there's no valid schedule, it has no appointment, no assigned moment...

And I love it.

I love, above all, how it floods me with its stream in late summer, early fall, late in the afternoon... like a pair of days ago, when I created the "Rule of Dahlia" choker and the "O(o)ak fruits" earrings:

"Rule of Dahlia" choker -SOLD-

The "Rule of Dahlia" choker, in vintage style, has a large creamy central dahlia topped by a multicolored shine crystal teardrop on a satin ruffled ribbon...

"O(o)ak fruits" earrings -UNAVAILABLE-

...and the acorn-shaped "O(o)ak fruits" earrings,
plastic beads in ocher tone topped by silvered caps.

Evoking with its broken tones a past that never was,
the forgotten memories...
The evening light.

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