Summer break

Friday, 29 July 2016

How's it going?

I'm reappearing in the blog after a short summer break with chilly news: I've spent this last month in improve my creative arts and I've learned a lot crafting two veeery special custom pieces in .999 silver, a ring and an articulated pendant. I'm really proud of them! Shortly I'll post a pair of pictures so you can give me your opinion ^^

I also created a few new ooaks, some of them already available in my Etsy shop:

100% recycled necklace "Druid's bag" -UNAVAILABLE-

"Fleur-de-Steam" earrings -UNAVAILABLE-

"Highlands II" choker -SOLD-

"Fleur-de-lis" piercing -AVAILABLE-
(black, red, green, rose or white crystal colour - limited pieces)

I'm on organizing myself to offer you more and more often new creations, tutorials and curiosities, soon we'll see if my efforts give fruits! :)

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