New creations, vol.16

Thursday, 31 July 2014

How's it going?

Had you ever heard about bindis?

"Fire Bindis" -UNAVAILABLE-

The bindi, whose literal translation is "drop" or "point" in Sanskrit, is an Indian motif usually placed on the forehead, right between the eyes.

This area is considered by Tantrists as "the home of the hidden wisdom"; the bindi, or "third eye" helps retain energy emanating from this chakra and promotes concentration.

Over time this motif has become used by outsiders more like facial decoration element as a spiritual symbol...

My "fire bindis", however, can be used with both purposes; you just need some spirit gum (body glue) or eyelash glue to secure them to the skin and prevent them fall off ;)

So far I've only created these three designs in red, but in short I'll have other two types: the "shadow bindis" (in black with multicolor reflexes) and the "ice bindis" (in jade colour).

This other "new creation" emerged thanks to my frankensteiner spirit: what if plasticize plant leaves?

Ooak-earrings! ^^

The little leaves are from the Cymbalaria muralis plant (a.k.a 'ivy-leaved toadflax', 'Kenilworth ivy', 'coliseum ivy', 'Oxford ivy', 'mother of thousands', 'pennywort' or 'wandering sailor), a weed that grows as mushrooms in my birthplaces garden.

Plasticize plant leaves... What's next? >_<

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