A cauldron of Forest

Thursday, 28 August 2014

How's it going?

I've always been fascinated by pine cones. And ivy, and dragonflies, and moss...

Maybe I fell in a cauldron of forest when I was a little girl... Or maybe the everlasting holidays of my childhood in my mother's village (in northern Spain, by the High Aragon) influenced me more than I can imagine.

I remember sunny mornings playing with branches-made bows on the stone town square; noons under the shade of old trees, "fishing" young trouts by hand on the shores of an icy river; evenings behind the nonexistent walls of a forgotten cemetery, reconquered by ears of wheat; nights strolling around lost paths full of wild blackberries, cattails and frogs...

Anyway, as I said, pine cones rocks!
Hence "Wood's gift", a simple necklace in bronze tone with a pine cone as a pendant:

"Wood's gift" necklace -SOLD-

What better way to worship the woods? ^^

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